Project Areas
Subproject B10

Influence of the Surface State on Quasi-static and Cyclic Deformation and Damage Behavior of TRIP/TWIP Steels
The goal of this project is to investigate the influence of the surface morphology on the mechanical behav-ior of high-alloyed austenitic TRIP/TWIP steels based on the Mn-Al-Si concept. For this, specific surface morphologies manufactured within the CRC 926 by micro and macro machining is characterized by light and electron microscopy as well as X-ray diffraction. Their influence on the quasi-static and cyclic properties is evaluated by in situ-mechanical testing in the SEM as well as by fatigue tests with subsequent ex situ analy-sis of the near-surface microstructure. Later, first prototypes for high performance and wear resistant chain pins will be manufactured and tested in collaboration with subproject C02.
Principal Investigator:
Dr.-Ing. Marek Smaga
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tilmann Beck
Scientific Staff:
Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Wolke
Technical Staff:
Florian Krebs